70 Atskuri st, Isani, Tbilisi, Georgia
599 57 08 08
Services and prices::
Unlimited -100 ₾
12 visits per month- 80 ₾
from 08:00 to 15:00 70 ₾
Crossfit – 12 visits per month 80 ₾
8 visits -50 ₾
Also Crossfit 12 visits – 100 ₾ (in this case it is possible to use the gym)
Training in a boxing group- 80 ₾
Individual training with a coach- 300 ₾
Aerobics + Pilates – 12 visits per month -80 ₾
8 visits- 50 ₾
2 weeks unlimited- 50 ₾
One-time use of the gym -10 ₾
One-time boxing pass -20 ₾
One-time individual boxing training- 40 ₾
VIP subscription – 250 ₾ (full use of the gym)